Santa Fe BioLabs

     AuriFindTM, ReCandTM

Easily regenerate, select and identify Candida auris.

Free samples available for qualified labs. Preorders currently accepted. 

Available as plates or solid medium that can be microwaved and poured when needed.

Contact for more information.

—> Microbial strains for sale! Selling our own natural isolates of bacteria and fungi at a fraction of what ATCC typically charges. Furthermore, you will acquire a full license and are free to do whatever you want with the strains you buy. Contact us for currently available strains!

On conventional media, colony yields of Candida auris collected from dry surfaces drastically underestimate the number of viable cells (Welsh et al, J Clin Microbiol 55, 2996). Improved colony yield is shown on ReCand (left) vs. BD ChromAgar Candida (right). Cells of three C. auris strains (A-C) were dried onto a surface, collected after several days and plated in parallel. Overall survival is < 1%.

     The ArkSpark

Rechargeable electric arc USB lighter for the lab.

Finally ... no more scratchy, rusty lighters, no more searching for flints.

Order here.

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Fort Worth Diagnostics